Why you need to refresh your website

Why you need to refresh your website

As a website design business, you would think that this website would be immune from needing to update our look. But you are wrong.

As a designer (and a perfectionist) I am always trying to improve my website to make it better, easier to navigate, and more attractive to clients. And as marketing is ever evolving, then so is our website.

I know that over the last five years I have redesigned my website at least 3 times. What was great for a website last year, may not work this year, could be overdone and not exciting to potential customers anymore.

Sometimes I look at my website and realise I hate the fonts I’ve used. This usually means I have used them too much over the months with new websites and it is time to fall in love with some new fonts. Something so simple can be refreshed without any drama.

Other times I just want to change a few images to keep my site looking fresh. And again will only take a short while to update.

Though this last year, every time I looked at my website, I saw more items that needed improving, changing or deleting altogether. If I want to keep attracting new clients I need my website up to date – to adequately portray what I can do.

Here are my top 4 signs it is time to redesign your website:

1. Your business has evolved

Some years ago, you had a website created so that you had an online presence. Since then you have barely looked at, let alone updated, the content on your website. Now it just feels like it doesn’t represent your business at all.

If this is you then it is definitely time to upgrade.

2. Your website is outdated

Let’s face it, we mean your site is old. It’s slow, and trying to navigate your site is time-consuming and frustrating. Maybe there is too much, or too little information, and no one is connecting with your business online.

We can to fix this.

3. Your website doesn’t work on mobiles

We live on our mobiles. They are laptops in our pocket. If your website isn’t responsive you can be guaranteed you will be losing a lot of clients every day.

Is this you?

4. You hate your website

Are you embarrassed to send people to your website? Are you afraid to look at your website yourself? Does updating your site feel overwhelming and too hard?

We have all been here.

If you were nodding your head along to any of the 4 items above, then get in touch with us to see how we can help you.

1 thought on “Why you need to refresh your website”

  1. Hi there,
    You were recommended to me by one of my friends, who you went to school with. I’m interested in finding out about getting a website created. Looking for something simple and easy to navigate through.
    I was wandering if you could contact me with any information in regards to this and what is involved.
    Looking forward to hearing from you
    Dionne (Dee)

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